Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Iso hair straighteners?

im thinking of buying one but im not sure since its from the mall venders and last time i bought a hair straightener from the mall vender, it was a total rip off and they were liars. but is the iso international hair straighteners worth it?? are they good quality?

thanksIso hair straighteners?
I hope you read this before you buy it!!!!!!

ok so listen, I work on these mall kiosk, I sell these hair strightners myself. it's always israelis working there. you can ask them. she will tell you she is form Israel.

I am telling you the truth now because i am not trying to sell you anything, but if you came to me there I would probably have to do my job which includes lying a little bit.

So too be completley honset, and I do care. I hate my job cause I have to lie, but the money is pretty good now that christmes is coming up.

whatever price she told you, GO LOWER!! ALWAYS GO LOWER!!! I MEAN ALWAYS!! if she told you its 250, she will lie by saying she will check for you or say there is sdome sale. there is no fukkin sale, you can take her as low as 70 dollars. sometimes even 60 but I doubt it. but you can try.

try telling her 70 with no tax, she might do it. keep in mind she wants it high cause the higher we sell, the more money we get.

anyways, that's as far as prive goes. DO NOT BUY for more than 70-80!!! she will give it to you for cheaper, if not go to a different mall. not all malls are same owners. keep in mind.

thats as far as price. as far as the product itself. again, Im not going to lie. ITS GREAT! it does all we say it does. it heats very fast, you can go stright, curl, wavey, any way you like. I have one myself. I got it free from work but I dont really use it because I like my natural hair the most! so dont worry about the fact of how it works. it is great.

yes it is cereamic, we say it does not damage, but im not sure if thats true or not, Im sure its healther than metal thats for sure.

check what the warrenty is. if they say life time warrenty, ask her if something happens in a months or whatever for now, if you bring it back do you have to pay for anything? ask speifcaly if you have to pay for shipping the product back to comany and how much! it should not be more than 10 dollars!!! if she says 20, and anything happens you can take them down to 10, or go into war with them and not pay a thing. but don't because we work there and get people yelling at us for **** we dont want to do.. I feel bad..sometimes I take and exchange it because I dont think it's fair. but make sure about that.

i think thats it, for any further questions, you can email me anytime. I promise to keep it real with you...until you reach my cart lol. sorry.Iso hair straighteners?


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