I did it last year, and it's still flat.
I want it curly again.
When will it go AWAY? I'm sick of it.
Thanks.When does a hair straightener permanent expire?
I'm not sure of how long it would take for a chemical straightener to expire or stop keeping the hair so straight, but just as with chemical permanents/chemical waving, I would think that when you cut your hair to the point where the chemical straightener is no longer a part of the hair structure, that the hair would be wavy or curly once again. As someone mentioned, perhaps you can talk with a hairstylist about it and just keep getting regular trims. I use a diffuser attachment on my dryer (after applying mousse), and it does help my hair to become more wavy.When does a hair straightener permanent expire?
u take a curling iorn and curl it!!! u can go to the stylist and ask to be sure!!!
i dont get the question usally when u straighten your hair a little bit of wind blows it curls again but u said somthing about permanent umm well apparently it is PERMANENT!!!!!!!!!! if u want curls back wash ure hair in coke it give u pretty curls or just get a currling iron
ok. i think u have misunderstood what u have in ur hair. u have a relaxer. which straightens....and a permanet will curl. u have a relaxer...which u will never get to go away. ok...what i mean is...ur hair will grow...and the new growth will be curly...but the part thats flat will break off. and as ur hair grows it will keep breaking off. so u have to keep putting a relaxer in so it wont break off. but ask ur hairstylist what u can do to get ur hair curly again. ur hair will be fragily and delicate so u have to be sure u are careful with ur hair!
Permanent straighteners do not ';expire.';
It's permanent which means you'll just have
to grow it out and then cut off the hair that
has been chemically altered. I use a relaxer
which is a permanent straightener and if I
wanted to go back to my natural hair texture,
I would have to cut it off and start over.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
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